ABC p.m.

(From A, B, C…to Z – all steps in European Projects Design and Management)

Topic: European Projects Design and Management

Venue Dates
Koblenz, Germany 21st – 27th May 2017
2nd – 8th July 2017
22nd- 28th October 2017

Course overview

In this Course, in five working days you will learn (from A, B, C…to Z – all steps in European Project Design and Management).

Which are European documents that sustain European projects development?

Which are the major (and detailed) steps in planning, writing, implementing and evaluating a qualitative collaborative project?

What about an institutional European Plan of Development?

Come and enjoy our Course! This is a unique, efficient and collaborative time!

Main objectives

The aim of the Course is to develop project management skills, knowledge, competences and partnership attitudes for increasing the number of initiatives and European/International common qualitative future projects with a direct benefit for professional and personal development of Adult Education learners and their institutions. The Course will be developed having an equilibrium of theoretical sessions (“New European Strategies 2014-2020”; “The Bridge Method”, ERASMUS + Programme), practical sessions (participants will have the opportunity to develop three different projects on social, cultural or educational field), intercultural dimension (exchanges of traditions, habits, parts of culture), ICT approach (face book, yahoo group discussion).

The course will touch three different levels of interaction in work:

Level 1: Growing competences in project management for institutions, organizations, and individuals involved into socio-cultural-educational area for growing the quality of future initiatives and projects into the actual period of European Policies 2014-2020.

Level 2: “On-going exchange” of good practices and study cases on European/International projects domain (ideas, projects, application, initiatives) through course presentation sessions and also through electronically channels of discussions that will be establish in and after the planned working time.

Level 3: Growing synergies on European/International common projects area (through local to national, from national to European level) through a better understanding of European/International dimension of the common development (similarities, diversities, problems, opportunities).

Target audience

Teachers (Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, adult, special needs);

Teacher trainers;

Careers officers, educational guides and cultural counsellors;

Educational Inspectors;

Cultural staff institutions;

Head teachers/principals/managers of schools/ managers of organisations , institutions offering different level of education;

Other (paid or voluntary) management staff in institution/organization;

Non-teaching administrative staff;

Members of students/teachers councils in adult education;

Volunteers active or interested in project management.

Daily programme

Sunday (1st day) – Participants arrival;
– Welcome supper for participants (common time for meeting all participants with Course providers, learners, staff and trainers).
Monday (2nd day) – Wake up-session: -„Treasure Hunt“: discovering our town through a non-formal method;
– Thematic introduction trainers, participants, project timetable, daily plan activities, institutions;
– Initial evaluation of participants, needs and expectations;
– European Programmes: opportunities for professional and institutional development (with a special attention on social, cultural and educational programmes);
– Future project proposals: needs for institutional development of participants involved (general presentation);
– International dinner;
Tuesday (3rd day) – Working on small groups: a detailed presentation of ideas on future institutional projects/setting the groups up;
Theme 1 (Project Management): The essential elements of the project; Problem Analysis; Stakeholder Analysis; SWOT Analysis.
– How to put in practice your idea? What does it means a collaborative partnership? Dissemination and communication activities;
– “The Bridge Method”: how to write a qualitative European/International project;
– A, B, C…..z-management exercise.
– Practicing “The Bridge Method” in writing projects proposals (groups work);
Wednesday (4th day) – Intercultural Visit
– ERASMUS + Programme presentation and its opportunities of development;
Theme 2 (Project Management): Purpose, objectives, activities, budget, resources; Risk analysis; Monitoring and evaluation; Human resource management, time, activities, difficult situations.
– Groups work: finalize the future projects and identify the financial programme; Groups work presentation: future planned projects/Part 1;
Thursday (5th day) – Theme 3 (Project Management): Ensure compliance to the contractual provisions of the draft; Promotion, visibility, dissemination of your Project; Budget control; Reporting Project; Sustainability and durability.
– Groups work presentation: future planned projects/Part 2; Common analyze and discussion on major project management steps;
Friday (6th day) – Intercultural visit;
– Course evaluation, participants certification;
– “See A, B, C….see you and me “: Farewell Dinner.
Saturday (7th day) – Participants departure day.

Course Fees

Course fee (5 training days): 480 € (350 € Course + 130 € organization costs)

Amount includes preparation for the course, tuition, training materials, administration costs, organizational costs, half-day excursion in town (no paid entries in Castles, Museums, and events) and coffee-break.

Type of certification of attendance awarded:

Europass and Certificate of attendance with description of training content and time input.

Accommodation and meals

All our courses are organized in the city centre so we leave it to each participant and to each institution to look for accommodation in central area. If you need help we can send you our list with best quality/price Hotels and Restaurants.

Click here for the pre-registration