Easy Technology for Adults (ETFOA) Project
ERASMUS+/Strategic Partnership for Adult Education
Project no 2017-1-TR01-KA204-046637
Implementation period: 1.09.2017-31.08.2019 (24 months)
Basiskele Halk Egitim Merkezi (Basiskele Kocaeli/Turkey)/ BPEC
Bildung Centrum Nies (Dorsten/Germany)/BPN
Centrul de Resurse si Consultanta in Educatie (Iasi/Romania)/CRCE
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ETFOA
This project responds to CRCE’s European Development Strategy because it represents local action through an international partnership.
Our European population that is going older, the technology that is advancing in a rapid ritm for a developing society, the working conditions and the structures we live in, all of these, are the factors that create difficulties for the 3-rd generation, especially to those with a low socio-economic level, to those in difficulty.
The ETFOA project is an answer that our Center has for an identified need: the lack of digital culture of the 3-rd generation (seniors between ages of 50 and 70).
The project develops new and creative educational methods, non-formal training for seniors aged 50-70 who have limited capabilities to use new technology and new ITC tools due to a lack of educational opportunities or disadvantaged socio-economic conditions of the proposed target group (women without occupation are a priority of the project).
Areas of interest in the project are: new trainings specifically developed for the target group (seniors between 50 and 70 years / women without occupation); ITC tools and digital competences; special needs.
Activities within the project:
– transnational meetings for project management;
– non-formal training for the proposed target group (developing digital skills for using ATM, mobile phone, tablet and computer in everyday life), developing a ‘ETFOA Good Practice Guide’, promoting the project, disseminating project products.
Partnership Responsibilities:
– BPEC will implement the Curriculum and BPN will implement this Curriculum by promoting new technologies among the target group;
– CRCE will be responsible for implementing the training and monitoring it, developing a dissemination plan (monitoring of dissemination activities);
– BPEC is responsible for the dissemination of project activities in Turkey, BPN in Germany and CRCE in Romania;
– CRCE and BPN will develop platforms to disseminate project results.
Impact on participants:
– during the project and after its implementation we expect the participants and the partner organizations to have developed skills in different areas of activity precisely because of this international collaboration;
– adults will understand the importance of technology in everyday life and the vital role it plays in maximizing the learning process (non-formal);
– adults with learning difficulties will improve their performance in using ITC tools becoming able to use the new technology;
– the adults participating in this project will be able to communicate with each other easily developing a sense of social security through the technical communication.
Impact on trainers:
– trainers will learn how to integrate new technologies into work-shops and trainings that they develop – improving their pedagogical methods by working with trainers from partner countries in the project;
– trainers will develop a sense of European identity, of the values of European civilization, promoting the principles of democracy, social solidarity and respect for human rights;
– trainers will be more prepared to take part in the socio-economic development of their community contributing to the progress of the European Union (as set out in the European Union’s programs documents).
Impact on participating institutions:
– partner institutions will benefit from a transfer of knowledge, new opportunities for collaboration and inter-institutional cooperation;
– institutions will allow direct participants, trainers to develop expertise in European project management, develop new European employability and mobility programs.
Kick-off meeting was held in Izmit, Turkey, 28-31.01.2018.
For photos click here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ETFOA/photos/?tab=album&album_id=168953360398501
Project launch event in Hodora, Iasi County, 02.05.2018
For photos click here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.225263954894761.1073741837.170049837082840&type=3