CRCE has always been involved in several EU-funded projects with universities, public and private institutions, associations, from Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Turkey, UK, etc.

The topics of the projects were very diverse: intercultural knowledge, project management, institutional development, strategically development, social arts, creativity for development and non-formal vs. formal.

The role of CRCE in projects has been: promoter, coordinator or partner.


“CERC” ERASMUS + project (adult education mobilities) (2015-2017)

Facebook group:


“ABC Project Management Literacy (ABC p.m.)”  (2013-2014)

Grundtvig Workshop financed by Grundtving Programme of the EC, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme

“Social Art Project Management”  (2012-2013)

Grundtvig Workshop financed by Grundtving Programme of the EC, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme

More info about Project Implementation:


Facebook group:  Facebook group

“Social Art Network”  ( 2011-2012)

Grundtvig Workshop financed by Grundtving Programme of the EC, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme

“Integrate Santa Claus” ( 2010-2011)

Grundtvig Workshop financed by Grundtving Programme of the EC, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme

“New methods Exchange Ways of learning” ( 2010-2012)

Grundtvig Partnership financed by Grundtving Programme of the EC, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme

Belgium: LBC-NVK cvo (project coordinator)
Romania: Centrul de Resurse si Consultanta in Educatie
Norwey: Ressurssenteret pa Gimle, Kristiansand katedralskole Gimle
Slovakia: ACTIVE – Jazykové Stúdio
Portugal: Agrupamento de Escolas de Constância

“The Bridge Method” ( 2009-2010) (the easiest way of writing down a successfully project application)

Grundtvig Workshop financed by Grundtving Programme of the EC, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme

“Writing a funding application from theory to practice”

28th -30th August 2015, Bucuresti, Romania

17th -19th July 2015, Iasi, Romania

23rd -25th August 2014, Bucuresti, Romania

25th -27th July 2014, Iasi, Romania

23rd – 25th August 2013, Iasi, Romania

19th – 21st July 2013 Brasov, Romania

25th -26th August 2012, Iasi, Romania

13th -15th July 2012, Bucuresti, Romania

15th-17th July 2011, Bucuresti, Romania

13th -15th August 2010, Iasi, Romania

17th-19th July 2009, Bucuresti, Romania

9th- 11th May 2008, Iasi, Romania

5th -7th April 2007, Bucuresti, Romania

3rd-5th March 2007, Cluj, Romania

24th -26th February 2007, Bucuresti, Romania

25th -27th November 2006, Iasi, Romania

14th-16th Oct 2006, Iasi, Romania

24th -25th June, Iasi, Romania

4th -6th May 2006, Iasi, Romania

11th -13th March 2006, Bucuresti, Romania

“Drama in Education” Method and Instruments

22nd -24th August 2008, Bucuresti, Romania

”Forum Theatre” Method

18th – 20th June 2007, Lugoj, Romania

“Implementation of HACCP standard in HORECA”

11th-12th; 18th-19th; 25th-26th August 2008, Vaslui, Romania

“Alliances- Coalitions- Federations”- forms of civil society organization types

1st-3rd December 2006, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

“Building-up Team and Leadership Skills” (partner International Organization for Migration)

3rd -5th Oct 2006, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

“Building-up Team and Leadership Skills”

27th – 29th September 2006, Bucuresti, Romania

“Development through projects after 2007”- Structural Founds (partner Structural Consulting)

8th – 9th September 2006, Iasi, Romania

“Project Evaluation”

10th-12th March 2016, Iasi, Romania

“Train the Trainer” (T.T.T.)

18t h- 20th August 2006, Bucuresti, Romania

“Organizational strategic planning”

Chisinau, 9th -11th August 2006, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

“Logical project framework proposed for grant”

10th – 11th August 2006, Iasi, Romania

About Communication

16th June 2005, Iasi, Romania