The Power of Non-Formal
New instruments and methods for a modern pedagogical approach
Topic: Pedagogic Methodst
Venue | Dates |
Koblenz, Germany | 22nd – 28th April 2017 |
26th August – 1st September 2017 | |
14th – 20th October 2017 | |
Iasi, Romania | 15th – 21tst July 2017 |
Course overview
Our training is based on discovering the “Power of Non-formal Methods “ and the introduction will be structured for a better understanding of all non-formal methods indicators.
Our work is an excited mixture of groups’ team work, interactive exercises, presentations, brainstorming sessions, case studies, intercultural events and visits, etc.
Based on theory of Paulo Freire (dialogue, praxis and education), practice of Augusto Boal (“Forum Theatre”, “The Cop in the Head”; “The Rainbow of Desire”) and John Bergman (“The right exercise for the right participant at the right time”), our workshop is a wonderful time of discovering efficient ways through which any information can be send it to students (learners) in a very simulative learning process.
Main objectives
The general aim of this course is to share knowledge on using different methods and instruments from non-formal education, developing new and creative approaches in educational process.
Enjoying this course, our participants will have:
– growing competences in delivering educational products and information (seminars, trainings, courses, workshops) through a better understanding of Non-Formal Methods and instruments;
– knowledge on non-formal theory and practice for an efficient stimulation of learning;
– growing awareness on non-formal importance approach for social-inclusion of marginalized students, learners;
– growing skills and competences in using “non-formal methods” for a bigger efficiency of knowledge accumulation.
Our participants will:
– acquire knowledge and practical information about “Non-Formal Methods”;
– improve their practical skills related to how, when, with who, to use non-formal methods;
– make contacts with individuals and organisations with similar experience and exchange best practices.
Target audience
Teachers (Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, adult, special needs);
Teacher trainers;
Careers officers, educational guides and cultural counsellors;
Educational Inspectors;
Cultural staff institutions;
Head teachers/principals/managers of schools/ managers of organisations , institutions offering different level of education;
Other (paid or voluntary) management staff in institution/organization;
Non-teaching administrative staff;
Members of students/teachers councils in adult education;
Volunteers active or interested in project management.
Daily programme
Saturday (RED day Atelier) | – Participants arrival; – Individual orientation and information about the venue and the city; – Networking activities, “Getting to know each other”-exercises; – Guided visit in town (optional); – Welcome dinner. |
Sunday (Orange day Atelier) | Introduction trainers, participants, project timetable, daily plan activities, institutions; – Initial evaluation of participants (questionnaire on adult Learning process, theory of non-formal methods, knowledge on using non-formal exercises); – Non-formal exercises for inside (Theory); – Practicing inside non-formal exercises; – „Treasure Hunt“: discovering our town through a non-formal method; |
Monday (Yellow day Atelier) | – Working on small groups: inside exercises adapted for different categories of students (learners with different type of disabilities, needs etc.); – Theory on Banking Education (Pablo Freire); – Practicing different methods in making the learning process efficient (information spread out to learners) through different non-formal exercises; – Group discussion on individual perceptions; – Intercultural visit; |
Tuesday (Green day Atelier) | – Non-formal exercises for outside (Theory) and the safety of learners; – Working on small groups group: outside exercises adapted for different categories of adults (persons with different type disabilities, elderly learners, young people learners etc.); – Theory on “The right exercise for the right learner at the right time”; – Augusto Boal (Forum Theatre method), theory and approaches; – Practicing in small groups’ selection of exercises for a special target group, for a special part of day, for a special piece of informal delivery; – Working on groups: Forum Theatre method; – Intercultural Visit; |
Thursday (Blue day Atelier) | – Practitioners versus theoreticians; – Theory on “Warm up/Low Intensity/High Intensity/Calming & cooling (closure) exercises” (John Bergman theory); – Practicing the same exercise on different levels of intensity; – Theory about: Drama in Education/ Education through Drama/ Drama Therapy and Drama Mediation (Similarities and differences); |
Friday (Indigo day Atelier) | – Theory on Non-formal creativity power; – Implication of non-formal methods in stimulating education process for involving vulnerable students; – “Non-formal back to original place” – Intercultural Visit; – Course evaluation, participants certification; – “See you later Alligator”-Farewell Dinner. |
Saturday (Purple day Atelier) | Participants departure day. |
We are developing all our projects into an inter-institutional and an inter-generational approach because we do believe that collaboration between people with a different background is the key of a real success into community.
We know from our trainings experience that non-formal education give resources for an individual development, for a better personal and professional growing.
We promote Non-formal activities, methods, exercises in all our projects and we are developing new methods in Adult Learning New-Formal approach.
We do believe in „The Power of Non-Formal“.
Course Fees
Course fee (5 training days): 480 € (350 € Course + 130 € organization costs)
Amount includes preparation for the course, tuition, training materials, administration costs, organizational costs, half-day excursion in town (no paid entries in Castles, Museums, and events) and coffee-break.
Type of certification of attendance awarded:
Europass and Certificate of attendance with description of training content and time input.
Accommodation and meals
All our courses are organized in the city centre so we leave it to each participant and to each institution to look for accommodation in central area. If you need help we can send you our list with best quality/price Hotels and Restaurants.
Click here for the pre-registration